ประสบการณ์ทั้งหมด : |
11 ปี |
1. ประสบการณ์ทำงาน |
เริ่มจาก : |
บริษัท : |
สมาชิกเท่านั้น |
ที่อยู่บริษัท : |
264/4 ซอยปรีดีพนมยงค์ 16 ถนนสุขุมวิท 71 แขวงพระโขนงเหนือ เขตวัฒนา กรุงเทพมหานคร 10110 |
ตำแหน่ง : |
Senior Coordinator |
เงินเดือน : |
สมาชิกเท่านั้น บาท |
ลักษณะงานที่ทำ : |
- Communication with clients/vendors and factories for audit information (Social audit, Factory and Security assessment)
- To arrange the audit schedule and auditor assignment for each job
- Updating document and prepare the audit file to auditors before audit.
- Contacting and preparing document for subcontractor (auditors/interpreters)
- To be responsible a part of marketing by providing the audit information for Social audit, factory and security assessment services to client / vendor/ factory who apply the local services.
- To prepare quotation, invoice and follow up payment with clients/vendors/factories both oversea and local audits.
- Communication with invoicing team to update status in the system once received the payment for further process.
- Operation company internal system to management all audit services i.e. booking the audit and update all information including status until the job has been completed.
- To be responsible on report submission to reviewer for final review process before submit the official audit report to client.
- Communication with reviewers and auditors for any questions during review process.
- To prepare the summary reports (daily, weekly and monthly) i.e.Monthly audit manday, Weekly & Monthly Utilization, Monthly report to management, Weekly clients audit status update, Monthly Reimbursement and others per assignment
- Handling the new program concerning the audit service per assignment.
- To prepare IT application for new staff in Division to IT Division .
- Correspondent on email & telephone communication among outside and inside the Organization.
- Handling administrative works in Division.
- Handling a part of management task concerns Audit Division.
2. ประสบการณ์ทำงาน |
เริ่มจาก : |
สิงหาคม 2546 ถึง ธันวาคม 2547 |
บริษัท : |
สมาชิกเท่านั้น |
ที่อยู่บริษัท : |
ตำแหน่ง : |
Administrative Officer |
เงินเดือน : |
สมาชิกเท่านั้น บาท |
ลักษณะงานที่ทำ : |
- Handling for all coming telephone calls
- Receiving and recording the samples information with submitted from clients
- Coordination with shipping organization for product clearance from custom
- Handling a part of Human Division for Social insurance, Provident Fund and Attendance record.
- Communication among Divisions to inform the relevant company information.
- Handling a parts of purchasing i.e. negotiate the products price and prepare PR and PO document.
- Handling a part of receiving and checking the products in term of quality and quantity.
- Handling for administrative works.